Impact Aid Survey Troubleshooting

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding Impact Aid survey technical issues. We understand that select users have had issues accessing their Impact Aid surveys. If you have completed your Impact Aid surveys, please disregard this message.  We hope this shortened link will give you the access you need to fill out the Impact Aid forms. Please note- this specific link will take you to SchoolMint where you will need to log in first and then your Impact Aid survey options will load. 


Shortened Impact Aid Survey


If you encounter any issues, please contact Ms. Sasha Rios at [email protected] for assistance. Staff members at the campuses are also available to assist you with the completion of the forms. The deadline to complete the Impact Aid forms has been extended to Monday, December 18th. 


Thank you for your cooperation! 

The following video demonstrates the shortened link as a troubleshooting option to complete the Impact Aid surveys.