We will continue taking payments and funding their accounts until the last day of school but any accounts that are negative after May 1st will be offered an alternate snack in place of the school breakfast or lunch as per our charging policy until funded.
As always, we thank you for your participation in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program and strive to offer nutritious and delicious meals to our students. Any remaining balances at the end of the school year will be carried over to the 2017-2018 school year or may be refunded if the student is transferring to another district or at the parent’s request.
The refund request form can be located on the Student Nutrition page at www.fshisd.net which can be found under the “Departments” link. You may also fund your child’s account at www.myshcoolbucks.com .
The student’s cafeteria account ID is the same as their student ID. Sincerely, For account inquiries please call Mrs. Roxanne Ruiz, FSHISD Director of Child Nutrition, at (210) 368-8700 ext. 7057.