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Robert G. Cole
Middle and High School
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Brandon Armstrong
Email Brandon Armstrong
Tina Barajas
Art Teacher
Email Tina Barajas
Caitlin Behe
HS Science Teacher - AP Physics 1, AP Biology, Yearbook Sponsor, Academic Decathlon Sponsor
Email Caitlin Behe
Bobby Behnsch
Teacher - Health/PE
Email Bobby Behnsch
Holly Biggs-Vandenberg
Email Holly Biggs-Vandenberg
Stacy Bishop
HS English I Teacher
Email Stacy Bishop
Eric Boehme
Assistant Principal
Email Eric Boehme
Victoria Bradley
Special Education Paraeducator
Email Victoria Bradley
Mari Brown
Biology Teacher
Email Mari Brown
Chanda Burch
6th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Email Chanda Burch
Fernando Caldera
Interventionist, Coach
Email Fernando Caldera
Estevan Carrillo
Teacher - English II and III
Email Estevan Carrillo
Justin Casias
Email Justin Casias
Joseph Cerna
Email Joseph Cerna
Fronia Culp
LCDC Instructor
Email Fronia Culp
Tamara Daniel
Special Education Paraprofessional
Email Tamara Daniel
Julia De La Garza
Health Science
Email Julia De La Garza
Patricia Deleon
MS Receptionist
Email Patricia Deleon
Renee Diaz
HS Counselor - 9 & 10th Grade
Email Renee Diaz
Eric Dohrman
Culinary Arts
Email Eric Dohrman
Jose Dominguez
Email Jose Dominguez
Michelle Dretke
MS/HS Nurse, BSN, RN
Email Michelle Dretke
Robert Elizalde
RtI Coordinator, Coach
Email Robert Elizalde
Victoria Elizalde
MS 6th Grade Science Teacher, Coach
Email Victoria Elizalde
Laura Elliott
JROTC Instructor
Email Laura Elliott
Kerri Elliott-Snyder
Choir Director, Music Appreciation, Asst. Band
Email Kerri Elliott-Snyder
Sophie Esquivel
Email Sophie Esquivel
Celinda Finnell
Email Celinda Finnell
Cris Flores
Teacher - MS Science
Email Cris Flores
Megan Flores
Dyslexia/ Special Education Teacher, 8th Grade Girls & Head Softball Coach
Email Megan Flores
Jennifer Fuini
Teacher, COOP
Email Jennifer Fuini
Mariel Gaitan-Martinez
Student Services Coordinator
Email Mariel Gaitan-Martinez
Jessica Garza
District Lead Counselor; 11th/12th High School Counselor
Email Jessica Garza
Joelle Giardine
Email Joelle Giardine
Max Gorham
HS Social Studies Teacher - AP World History, World History
Email Max Gorham
Gary Guerrero
Email Gary Guerrero
Alyssa Guillen
Teacher / Coach
Email Alyssa Guillen
James Guillen
Email James Guillen
Gina Hanna
Computer Science & Cybersecurity Teacher
Email Gina Hanna
Chauncey Harris
Email Chauncey Harris
Adrienne Henderson
Email Adrienne Henderson
Kathryn Herlich
7th Grade Math Teacher
Email Kathryn Herlich
Sandra Hernandez
Special Education Paraeducator
Email Sandra Hernandez
Samantha Herrera
HS English Teacher - English IV, AP English Literature and Composition
Email Samantha Herrera
Jessica Hinojosa
Teacher/Interventionist/Basketball Coach
Email Jessica Hinojosa
Ryan Howard
HS Social Studies Teacher - Government, Economics, AP Government, AP Macroeconomics
Email Ryan Howard
Molly Huff
Attendance Clerk
Email Molly Huff
Yvonne Inzinna
8th Grade ELAR Teacher
Email Yvonne Inzinna
Joseph Isaac
Teacher - Interventionist/Coach
Email Joseph Isaac
Lance Kaminsky
HS Science Teacher - Integrated Physics and Chemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Academic Decathlon Sponsor
Email Lance Kaminsky
Scott Kissee
Email Scott Kissee
Sarah Levings
Special Education Teacher
Email Sarah Levings
Christina Lopez
HS Social Studies Teacher - US History, APUSH, Coach
Email Christina Lopez
Josie Lozano
Administrative Assistant to Principal
Email Josie Lozano
Oscar Luna
Email Oscar Luna
Brenda Marafioto
Commercial Photography Teacher
Email Brenda Marafioto
Greg McLain
6th Grade Math/Coach
Email Greg McLain
Katie Michna
Secondary Library Media Specialist
Email Katie Michna
Cassandra Miller
Email Cassandra Miller
Tera Mireles
High School Theatre, Technical Theatre, MS & HS Musical Theatre Teacher, Drama Club Sponsor, UIL Coach, ITS Troupe Director
Email Tera Mireles
Roosevelt Mitchell
Email Roosevelt Mitchell
Roger Montalvo
HS Science Teacher - Science Department Head, Pre-AP Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, AP Chemistry
Email Roger Montalvo
Kelley Moore
Transition Learning Center
Email Kelley Moore
Kayla Nellums
7th Grade ELAR Teacher, JS2S Sponsor/Campus Based Military Liaison
Email Kayla Nellums
Kara Nielsen
Email Kara Nielsen
Larry Norman
Athletic Director
Email Larry Norman
Rachelle Norman
Middle School Vice Principal
Email Rachelle Norman
Matthew Ortiz
Email Matthew Ortiz
Regina Ortiz
HS Math
Email Regina Ortiz
Jared Paul
Assistant Band Director
Email Jared Paul
Brittany Penner
Spanish Teacher
Email Brittany Penner
Sarah Powell
Spanish II, III and IV Teacher
Email Sarah Powell
Natasha Ramirez
6th Grade Math Teacher
Email Natasha Ramirez
James Reyes
MS Theatre Arts
Email James Reyes
Shannyn Romero
Tech Apps and Tech Arts Teacher
Email Shannyn Romero
Jen Ryan
HS Math Teacher - AP Calculus, AP Pre Calculus, DE College Algebra
Email Jen Ryan
Emily Rydell
Email Emily Rydell
Sandra Sanchez
Instructional Coach/PLC Facilitator (MS)
Email Sandra Sanchez
Linda Sandoval
Middle School Counselor
Email Linda Sandoval
Sonia Santiago (Malavé)
Email Sonia Santiago (Malavé)
Jeffrey Schmidt
Sports Medicine/Trainer
Email Jeffrey Schmidt
Rachel Schulz
French I - IV Teacher
Email Rachel Schulz
Mary Scibetta
7th Grade Texas History Teacher
Email Mary Scibetta
Christopher Scott
Special Education Paraeducator
Email Christopher Scott
Enrique Serda
Special Education Teacher
Email Enrique Serda
Celestria Shields
Secondary Special Education Instructional Coach
Email Celestria Shields
Crystal Spears
Special Education Campus Coordinator
Email Crystal Spears
Michalle St. John Pheulpin
8th Grade Science Teacher
Email Michalle St. John Pheulpin
Megan Stadler
Media Center Staff
Email Megan Stadler
Dolores Sulaica
PE MS/HS Dept. Head / Head Girls Basketball Coach/ Asst. Girls & Boys Cross Country Coach
Email Dolores Sulaica
Veronica Torres
HS/MS Special Education Appraisal Secretary
Email Veronica Torres
Roberto Trevino
8th Grade Math Teacher/Coach
Email Roberto Trevino
Joseph Treviño, ATC, LAT
Healthcare Therapeutics Teacher
Email Joseph Treviño, ATC, LAT
Thomas Tucker
Teacher - HS Social Studies Pre-AP World Geography and History / Coach
Email Thomas Tucker
Jesse Valdez
Email Jesse Valdez
Angeles Valenzuela
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
Email Angeles Valenzuela
Angela Velazquez
Email Angela Velazquez
Heather Welch
HS Registrar
Email Heather Welch
Mike Wilson
Band Director
Email Mike Wilson
John Zinsmeyer
HS Math Teacher - Algebraic Reasoning, Algebra I, Coach
Email John Zinsmeyer
Kacey Zinsmeyer
Teacher - Special Ed.
Email Kacey Zinsmeyer
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