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Visit our online photo gallery for school/event/sports photos as well as fine art photography available for sale and download. 


I am so excited to start another year of creativity and design!  Since we will be starting virtually, I made you your very own classroom to take home ;).  All elements of the classroom are interactive and you can find your Google Classroom, syllabi, social media and more by clicking on the objects.   I can't wait to see you on August 17th!

Senior Bios

Seniors -- Don't forget to complete your bio form for the yearbook.  Join the Seniors google classroom for info, links, and more.  Use the code:  aww3c6

Yearbooks On Sale

Don't miss your chance to order a Cole High School yearbook before prices go up for 2016.  Books can be purchased in the HS or MS office or online at

Our photography students are working hard to get ready for VASE next Saturday, February  7th at East Central High School.  Students are competing in both classic photography and digitally constructed images (like the image above: "Deconstructed" by Jordyn Oilar.)